Natura V3.0 - Software Terapi Otak yang Aman dan Alami

Pengen menenangkan diri? Pengen berkonsentrasi belajar? Pengen tidur pulas? 
Bagaimana caranya??? Ada cara untuk menjawab pertanyaan di atas,
yaitu menggunakan software Natura V3.0. Dari namanya saja, sobat pasti bisa tebak. 
iya, ini software yang dapat mendendangkan musik (suara) alam, seperti suara air yang mengalir di sungai, suara burung yang berkicau di hutan, dll. Lalu apa kegunaan lain dari software ini?

Software ini mempunyai fungsi yaitu :

• Dapat membantu tidur malam anda
• Bisa digunakan sebagai peralatan meditasi
• Membantu kosentrasi belajar
• Menjadikan anda santai saat bekerja di depan komputer
• Membantu bayi untuk bobok
• Mengatasi kebuntuan saat menulis
• Menenangkan binatang peliharaan
• Mengurangi kegelisahan
• Menyembuhkan diri anda sendiri
• Dan lain lain

Wah, kegunaannya banyak juga ya. Apalagi buat sobat-sobat ingin berkonsentrasi penuh pada penghapalan materi-materi Ujian. 
Wah, cocok banget buat kamu dan saya . 
Semua tentang psikologi negatif kita juga dapat terselesaikan hanya dengan mendengar suara dari Natura V3 ini. Daripada pake program sound therapy yg katanya kayak heroin gitu, mending pake ini,, lebih alami

Namanya juga software, pasti ada jangka pakainya dan jangkan pakai software ini selama 7 hari. Tapi di inobat akan dapat serial numbernya secara gratis


    See yourself in one of the most tranquil paradises in the world. Perhaps sitting next to a gentle gurgling brook on a warm day or in the peaceful presence of a rolling sea. All worries and cares drift away as you close your eyes and listen to the peaceful rhythms of Mother Nature.
    Wouldn't you like access to that state of mind any time you want?
    We guarantee that this amazing software can bring you to that exact same state of relaxation after one short session. There is no doubt that you will find Natura as valuable as we have, so we've decided to offer a FREE fully functional 7-day trial that you can download right now. After your purchase Natura, we'll even give 100% of your money back if you don't see the benefits within one month of use.
    "I use this all the time at the racetrack. I race cars, and my wife works on the safety team. At night we use the sound software to relax and drown out outside noise, but more importantly to fall asleep to... I can honestly say I LOVE the software, and my wife couldn’t live without it…" - Ken Kurtz
    "I purchased Natura Sound Therapy a couple years back to help me sleep when I was deployed to Iraq. It helped me 100%!!!!" - Erin Castaneda.
    Some of Natura's features:
    * Relax with 34 nature and music sounds including: Ocean Waves, Babbling Brook, Rain/thunder storm, Singing Birds, Insects, Chirping Frogs, Wind Chimes, Ambient Space 1 & 2, Native American Flute, Piano, Ambient Dub, and Hand Drumming.
    * Coax your brain into a different state with 64 Brainwave Synchronizer tones.
    * Instantly access customized mood enhancement with 38 easy quick start Factory Presets.
    * Choose a peaceful scene out of 14 Visualizations.
    * Select your favorite color with the Custom Color Picker.
    * Make up to 121 of your own favorite combinations with the User Presets.
    * Control the length of your sessions with the Countdown Timer.
    * Personalize your view with 20 Background Images.
    * Add extra audio and visual features, or Plug-ins, as they become available though our shop.
    Some uses of Natura:
    * Get a full night's sleep.
    * Use as a meditation aid.
    * Help yourself study or concentrate.
    * Relax while you work at your computer.
    * Overcome writer's block.
    * Help a baby get to sleep.
    * Calm your pets.
    * Decrease anxiety.
    * Clear the cobwebs from your mind.
    * Heal yourself.
    * Drown out distracting noises.
    * and 1000's more uses...
    To start, we suggest that you explore the factory presets to become familiar with the wide range that Natura offers. Don't be afraid to click around and explore the features and settings. Be patient and in no time, you will learn how easy it is to control Natura.

Gimana? Penasaran? Ayo download segera…

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